International Cytokine & Interferon Society

Announcing the Winner of the 2021 Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigators – Snehlata Kumari

Announcing the 2021 Christina Fleischmann Award to Young Women Investigators

Snehlata Kumari, PhD
Group Leader
Head of Inflammation and Immunity Laboratory
The University of Queensland
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
Translational Research Institute (TRI), Australia
UQ Webpage:
Twitter: @Sne_K

Dr Snehlata Kumari is a group leader/senior research fellow at the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute in Brisbane, Australia. Her laboratory research focuses on identifying and understanding the immuno-modulatory signaling mechanisms controlling inflammatory skin diseases and skin cancer.

She received her PhD and postdoctoral training from the University of Cologne in Germany where she made fundamental discoveries in identifying essential roles of NF-B, TNF, interleukin-24 and cell death signaling pathways in regulating inflammatory skin diseases. These findings advanced the knowledge in the field of skin immunity and opened new avenues for novel potential targets in skin inflammation.

Her scientific contributions received recognition from the global scientific communities including the German National Academy of Sciences- Leopoldina, International Investigative Dermatology and European Society for Dermatological Research.


Dr. Christina Fleischmann (1945 – 1996)

This award is made possible through the generosity of the Fleischmann Family and is dedicated to the memory of ISICR member and outstanding interferon research scientist Christina Fleischmann. The award was established in early 1998, with the first award presented to Xiaoxia Li, Ph.D., who’s now the Paul L. Fox, PhD, Endowed Chair in Molecular Medicine at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, USA, at the joint ISICR/ICS meeting in Jerusalem. She went on to win the Milstein Award in 2013.

In the words of then President of ISICR, Bryan Williams, “Our Society benefits from the active participation from many fine women scientists. Therefore it is with pleasure that I announce the establishment of a new award to recognize and promote young women scientists. The Christina Fleischmann Young Investigator Award has been established by Bob Fleischman in memory of Christina, an active participant in our society for many years until her recent untimely death. It is Bob’s hope that the establishment of this award will lead others to consider donating awards to the Society.”

This award is open to young women investigators working in cytokine, chemokine and interferon biology. ICIS members who have received a Ph.D or M.D. within the previous 10 years are eligible for this Award, but may be extended by 1 year due to parental leave (per child). This award does not exempt payment of the conference registration fee or include travel expenses. This award is made possible through the generosity of the Fleischmann Family Foundation and is dedicated to the memory of ISICR member and outstanding interferon research scientist Christina Fleischmann.

Award: ~$2,000 and an engraved plaque. The winner of the award. The scientific organizing committee will arrange for the awardee’s oral presentation to be included in the appropriate session of the meeting.

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