The ICIS (formerly International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research) was formed over 25 years ago to advance interferon and cytokine research by promoting the exchange of knowledge through meetings, seminars, reports and publications and by initiating and participating in programs related to interferon and cytokine research. To accomplish this, ICIS works closely with leading companies that support research in the fields of interferon, cytokine and chemokine cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and the clinical use of these biological response modifiers.
ICIS invites your partnership in our organization to strengthen the links between industry, academia and government scientists and to advance the therapeutic use of and targeting of cytokines, their commercialization and the success of biological response modifiers. The follow partnership levels are suggested:
Platinum Partner – $50,000 annual dues level includes the following benefits:
Platinum Sponsor recognition and benefits at the Annual Meeting of the Society, such as Cytokines 2020, ($50,000 value).
Five Company named student/postdoc travel grants to highly scoring abstract presenters participating in the Annual Meeting (chosen by the ICIS Awards Committee), in the amounts of $1,000 each, ($5,000 value).
Company logo on the front page of and noted in all email communications sent by the society to its members and subscriber list of over 6,000 contacts.
A customized micro-site on the ICIS web site to include company information & logos as well as presentations, videos, links to publications of interest, images, etc.
Five complimentary Industry Memberships for company representatives ($1,250 value).
Company recognition and full page color ad in the ICIS Newsletter, Signals+, distributed to all members electronically 2 times/year; printed and distributed to all participants at the Annual Meeting and included on the Society’s website ($3,000 value).
Use of the Society’s logo to endorse programs and educational activities, upon review by the ICIS Development Committee.
Gold Partner – $30,000 annual dues level includes the following benefits:
Gold Sponsor recognition and benefits at the Annual Meeting of the Society, such as Cytokines 2020, ($30,000 value).
Company logo on the front page of and noted in all email communications sent by the society to its members and subscriber list of over 6,000 contacts.
A customized micro-site on the ICIS web site to include company information & logos as well as presentations, videos, links to publications of interest, images, etc.
Two complimentary Industry Memberships for company representatives ($500 value).
Company recognition and half page color ad in the ICIS Newsletter, Signals+, distributed to all members electronically 2 times/year; printed and distributed to all participants at the Annual Meeting and included on the Society’s website ($1,500 value).
Sponsor – $5,000 annual dues level includes the following benefits:
Company name, logo and website link listed on ICIS web site;
One complimentary Industry Membership for a company representative ($250 value).
Company Logo included in the ICIS Newsletter, distributed to all members electronically 2 times/year; printed and distributed to all participants at the Annual Meeting and included on the Society’s website.