Marion Pepper Awarded the 2021 ICIS-LUMINEX John R. Kettman Award for Excellence in Interferon & Cytokine Research

The 2021 ICIS-Luminex John R. Kettman Award for Excellence in Interferon & Cytokine Research Mid-career recognizes Marion Pepper, PhD as being in the very top tier of the current wave of mid-career immunologists who continue to make cytokine research exciting. 

Howard Young is Awarded the 2021 ICIS Mentorship Award

Dr. Howard Young has been chosen to be the first recipient of the newly established ICIS Mentorship Award in recognition of significant and sustained contributions to the career development of trainees and to the profession through outstanding mentoring over four decades. Howard has trained a number of post-docs and post-bacs who have gone on to establish their own labs around the world and who, in turn, mentored hundreds of additional trainees following the example that Howard set of promoting high-level human and scientific interactions.

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