Site icon International Cytokine & Interferon Society

Deadline Extended to Enter the ICIS – COVID-19 Video Contest

Enter the ICIS – COVID-19 Video Contest

Deadline Extended until 15 August, 2020

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society has launched this contest to raise awareness of cytokines & interferons by explaining their roles in covid-19 to lay audiences.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has raged on, the role of cytokines and interferons have been talked about by the media and on television between physicians and scientists proposing clinical trials targeting the “cytokine storm” and those affirming that antiviral therapy is more relevant, and other related issues. Many ICIS members have been featured on CNN, NPR, FOX News and other media outlets as never before, and those that have never studied biology or medicine now recognize the terms “cytokines & interferons”.  The ICIS would like to build on this momentum and add to the public discussions, as well as raise awareness of our society which is involved in basic research on biological mechanisms underlying cytokine-mediated host response to respiratory viral and bacterial infection.

Please click the link below for more details. The deadline to upload your video has been extended to August 15, 2020. It can be as simple as creating a PPT presentation, recording it on Zoom or from PPT, and uploading that to the ICIS video contest platform.

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