How much do you know about the new ICIS Open Access journal? Please take our 3 minute survey.

Would you be interested in submitting your next manuscript to Signals, Official Open Access journal of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), and receiving an ICIS member 20% discount on the APC if your article is accepted? Editor-in-Chief, Scott Durum, is calling for high-quality submissions and, courtesy of ICIS, can award FULL 100% APC waivers for the highest quality articles, in particular review articles. Please take our 3 minute survey! We are excited about the potential of Signals to contribute to research and hope to earn your support of this new endeavor.

Signals is a new publication encompassing all aspects of basic, clinical and translational research related to cytokines and will be publishing definitive reviews on cytokines, interleukins, chemokines and growth factors. Committed to advancing the understanding of immunological signals, cytokine biology and its role in health and disease, the journal welcomes manuscripts from ICIS members and other investigators.
With a rigorous peer review process and a global editorial boardSignals will give your research the high visibility desired within our community.

Scott K. Durum, PhD – Editor-in-Chief
Cristina Bergamaschi, PhD – Senior Editor

Why publish with us?

  • Official open access journal of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society
  • ICIS Member Discounts on article-processing charges (APC)
  • Encompasses all aspects of basic, clinical and translational research related to cytokines
  • Publishing definitive reviews on cytokines, interleukins, chemokines and growth factors