Mouse models of lupus 10 years later: key advances in understanding pathogenesis & remaining uncertainties in translation-Virtual Meeting on December 10th

Please join us on December 10 for this virtual meeting

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Mouse models of lupus 10 years later: key advances in understanding pathogenesis & remaining uncertainties in translation

In 2010, a meeting was held at the National Library of Medicine focused on mouse models of lupus and their relevance to human disease.  At that time, the overall consensus was that mouse models are indeed useful for the investigation of SLE and would lead to a better understanding of disease pathophysiology and more effective treatment options. However, progress continues to be slow, and while several promising therapeutic approaches were effective in murine disease, they continue to disappoint in the human trials. Moreover, treatment today for several key disease manifestations (e.g. brain, kidney) is still based on non-specific immunosuppressive modalities. It is the purpose of this meeting to revisit murine models of lupus and open the dialogue as to their real value in understanding and treating human disease.

Schedule: 8:30-5 EST

8:30-9 pm Opening Address: Hans Anders

9-10:20 Session I Characterizing Immune Aberrations in Both Mice and Humans

Speakers: Mark Shlomchik, Jason Weinstein, Laurence Morel, Michelle


10:20-10:40 Session I Discussion

10:40-10:50 Break I

10:50-12:10 Session II SLE and Infections

Speakers: Stefania Gallucci, Gregg Silverman, Martin Kriegel, Xin Luo

12:10-12:30 Session II Discussion

12:30-1 Lunch Break

1-2:20 Session III Evaluation of Novel Drug Targets from Mice to Human

            Speakers: Chaim Putterman, Mariana Kaplan, Anne Davidson, Paul Hoover

2:20-2:40 Session III Discussion

2:40-2:50 Break II

2:50-4:10 Session IV Leveraging SLE Patients and Mouse Models Together

            Speakers:  Deepak Rao, Betty Diamond, Eric Meffre, Jeremy Duffield

4:10-4:30 Session IV Discussion

4:30-5 Keynote Address: Eric Moran

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