Please renew 2020 Membership Dues or join the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS)!

Renew or join ICIS, the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine biology, impacting all aspects of medicine and leading to new treatments in autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious diseases and inflammation. The Academic/Government membership fees for 2020 have increased 8%, since they were last raised in December 2016 to:
Membership Dues       One Year       Two Year      Three Year
Academic/Government      $75.00             $ 135.00        $200.00

Academic/Government and Student/Postdoc members submitting abstracts to the Annual Meeting are eligible to apply for Milstein Travel Awards, with funding available to award 60 – 70 researchers travel awards, based on peer review of their submitted abstracts — a members only benefit. Members are also eligible for prestigious senior and young investigator awards: Seymour & Vivian Milstein Award, the Milstein Young Investigator Awards, the Christina Fleischmann Award, the Sidney & Joan Pestka Graduate & Post Graduate Awards, the Honorary Life Membership Awardand the ICIS Distinguished Service Award. 

Member benefits also include a $100 discount on academic/government registration fees for the Annual Meeting and discounts on the APC Charges to publish in the Signals open access journal.

As of last year, non academic/government scientists actively engaged in the field of cytokine and interferon research can renew their current membership as Industry Members, with the goal to strengthen the links between industry, academia and government scientists and to advance the therapeutic use of and targeting of cytokines, their commercialization and the success of biological response modifiers. Industry Members also benefit from a $250 discount on Annual Meeting registration fees.
Membership Dues       One Year       Two Year      Three Year
Industry                             $250.00             $450.00         $650.00 

Students and Postdocs pay only $60 for a three year membership, and are eligible for Milstein Travel Awards, as well as applicable Young Investigator Awards.

Three-year renewals include a total of $300 in discounts off academic/government registrations fees, $750 for industry registration and $150 for student/postdoc registration to participate in the next three Annual Meetings:

Cytokines 2020 8th Annual Meeting – Structure-Function and Systems Biology of Cytokine Actions
Sunday, 1 November – Wednesday, 4 November, 2020
Hyatt Regency Seattle, Seattle, USA
Program Chair: Michael Gale, Jr., University of Washington

Cytokines 2021 – 9th Annual Meeting
Sunday, 17 October – Wednesday, 20 October, 2021
Cardiff, Wales, UK
Program Chair: Simon Jones, Cardiff University

Cytokines 2022 – 10th Annual Meeting
Tuesday, 20 September – Friday, 23 September, 2022
Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii USA
Program Chair: James Turkson, Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute